From Chaos to Cash: Prioritize Your Day with These Money-Making Strategies

As a mom entrepreneur, your to-do list can seem never-ending. From managing household duties to running your business, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks. But here’s the thing: not all tasks are created equal. To grow your business and maximize your productivity, it’s crucial to focus on money-making tasks first. In this post, I’ll guide you through a strategy to identify these tasks and prioritize them effectively, ensuring your business thrives while you maintain balance in your life.

mom entrepreneurs prioritizing tasks

Why Prioritizing Money-Making Tasks Matters

Imagine starting your day by checking emails or tweaking your website. While these tasks are necessary, they don’t directly contribute to your bottom line. By the time you get around to promoting your course or following up with potential clients, half the day is gone. This approach delays your ability to generate revenue and can slow down your business growth. Instead, by prioritizing money-making tasks first, you ensure that the most critical activities are completed when you have the most energy and focus.

Understanding the Difference: Busy vs. Productive

Before diving into how to prioritize your tasks, it’s essential to understand the difference between being busy and being productive. Many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of staying busy without actually moving the needle in their business. If you want to dive deeper into this concept, check out my previous blog post, Busy vs. Productive: The Secret Formula That Will Transform Your Day. This will help you identify which activities are truly productive and which are merely keeping you occupied.

mom entrepreneurs prioritizing tasks

Step 1: Identify Your Money-Making Tasks

The first step in prioritizing your day is understanding which tasks are directly tied to generating income. Here’s a list of common money-making tasks for mom entrepreneurs:

  • Sales and Marketing Activities:

    • Creating and running advertisements

    • Promoting your products or services on social media

    • Writing sales emails or newsletters

    • Following up with leads or clients

  • Product or Service Development:

    • Creating new content for your course

    • Developing new products or services to offer

    • Hosting webinars or live sessions that lead to sales

  • Client Work:

    • Delivering services to paying clients

    • Preparing for client meetings or sessions

    • Sending invoices and ensuring timely payment

  • Networking and Outreach:

    • Reaching out to potential collaborators or influencers

    • Attending networking events that could lead to new business opportunities

    • Engaging with your online community to build relationships

Step 2: Prioritize Your Tasks

Once you’ve identified your money-making tasks, it’s time to prioritize them. Here’s a simple strategy to help you focus on what’s most important:

  1. List All Your Tasks for the Day:

    • Start by writing down everything you need to do, both business-related and personal.

  2. Categorize Your Tasks:

    • Label each task as a money-making task (MMT) or a non-money-making task (NMMT).

  3. Order by Impact:

    • Within the money-making category, order the tasks by their potential impact on your business. For example, if you’re currently selling a course, running advertisements and following up with leads should be at the top of your list.

  4. Tackle the MMTs First:

    • Begin your day by focusing on your highest-impact money-making tasks. This ensures that your business continues to generate revenue, and you’re building momentum towards your goals.

  5. Move to NMMTs Later:

    • Once your MMTs are complete, you can move on to the non-money-making tasks. These might include responding to emails, organizing your workspace, or planning for the next day. While important, these tasks don’t directly contribute to your income, so they should be tackled after your MMTs.

Step 3: Implement and Adjust

Creating a plan is one thing, but sticking to it is where the real challenge lies. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

  1. Set Clear Boundaries:

    • Dedicate specific times of the day to work on your MMTs without interruption. Let your family know that during these times, you need to focus on your business.

  2. Use Time Blocks:

    • Break your day into time blocks, dedicating the first few hours to MMTs. This technique helps you stay focused and prevents other tasks from creeping in.

  3. Review and Reflect:

    • At the end of each week, review what you’ve accomplished. Reflect on whether you’re prioritizing your MMTs effectively and make adjustments as needed.

  4. Stay Flexible:

    • While it’s important to have a plan, life as a mom entrepreneur can be unpredictable. If something urgent comes up, adjust your schedule, but always aim to get back on track with your MMTs.

Prioritizing money-making tasks is a powerful strategy to ensure your business remains profitable and continues to grow. By identifying these tasks and tackling them first thing in your day, you’re setting yourself up for success. Remember, it’s not about how many tasks you complete but about completing the right tasks that drive your business forward.

At True Glow Coaching, I’m here to help you master time management and productivity, so you can achieve your business goals without sacrificing your personal life. Let’s work together to create a strategy that works for you and your unique situation.

Ready to make your business thrive? Let’s connect and get started on your journey to success!


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