Holiday Peace Pro: Enjoy the Season Without Stress

If the holiday season is your busiest, it doesn’t have to leave you feeling overwhelmed.

The Holiday Peace Pro Workshop is designed for service-based entrepreneurs—bakers, crafters, beauty industry professionals, and more—who experience a high volume of work during the holidays and are ready to find balance between their thriving holiday business and personal time with family.

Join us for this 2-hour virtual workshop where you’ll learn actionable strategies to achieve harmony during the holidays. Imagine running your business smoothly while still having time to savor the season with your loved ones.

What You’ll Gain:

Balanced Time Management: Leave with a daily plan that helps you prioritize work without neglecting your family or self-care. Achieve balance between productivity and personal well-being.

Mindset Shifts for Balance: Transform how you approach the holiday season by letting go of guilt and stress. Embrace a mindset of balance that lets you enjoy your success without feeling overwhelmed.

Boundaries that Support Balance: Discover how to set clear, healthy boundaries between your work and personal life so you can fully enjoy both. You’ll learn how to protect your time and energy for what matters most.

Stress-Reduction Techniques: Practical exercises, from breathing techniques to simple stress-relief tips, will help you maintain calm and balance as you navigate your busiest season.

Special Guest & Co-Host:

Yvonne Hernández

We are excited to have Yvonne Hernández as our co-host for this workshop. Yvonne is the founder of Decide Balance, and she will be leading a 20-minute breathwork and Reiki-infused group meditation session. Her practice will guide you through calming techniques to help center yourself during the holiday season, ensuring you can approach both your business and personal life with clarity and calm.

Learn more about Yvonne at and follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

About Me: Maura Montalvo

I'm Maura Montalvo, founder of True Glow Coaching. With a background in life coaching and mindset transformation, I help ambitious entrepreneurs master the delicate balance between running a thriving business and nurturing a fulfilling personal life. I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs through customized coaching packages, where they learn time management, productivity hacks, and how to develop unshakable confidence.

Through my own experiences balancing family and entrepreneurship, I offer relatable and practical insights designed to help entrepreneurs live more balanced, joyful lives.

Follow me for more at Instagram and Facebook.

What’s Included in Your Registration:

  • Holiday Balance Checklist: A step-by-step guide to mastering balance between work, family, and self during the holidays.

  • Digital Swag Bag: Filled with bonuses from our sponsors.

  • Holiday Business Planner ChatGPT Prompts: Leverage the power of AI with prompts tailored to help you manage time, marketing, and delegation efficiently.

Real Client Outcomes:

Imagine Tiffany, a busy home baker, shifting her mindset from guilt to empowerment, creating a holiday business plan that allowed her to spend more quality time with her kids while still increasing her holiday revenue.

Picture Emily, a beauty industry professional, mastering stress-reduction techniques and implementing clear boundaries, helping her double her client bookings without sacrificing family time.

Why You Should Attend: The holiday season doesn’t have to be a constant hustle. By attending Holiday Peace Pro, you’ll gain the strategies, tools, and mindset shifts necessary to balance your thriving business with the joy and relaxation the holiday season is meant to bring.

Join us and transform your holiday season from stressful to successful!

Note: Yvonne Hernández will also help promote the event across her social platforms and newsletter. Be sure to follow her and connect for exclusive updates!

There are Three ticket options below! See you there!

Notebook and Shirt Quote